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First Personal Championship of Problemism. Year 2003. Problems-genre.
Category F

Premier Championnat du Monde de Problémisme. Année 2003. Genre Problèmes.
Catégorie F

Eerste Wereldkam-
pioenschap Problematiek, 2003, Genre problemen.
Categorie F

139 (1)   D57  T40   Y85   Z82 means: 
139 = total points, (1) = first place, and the rest = points given by the members of the jury E. van Dusseldorp -D-, Alain Tavernier -T-, Sergej Yuhkewitch -Y- and Stassis Zilevicius -Z-.
The two middlest scores D57 and Z82 make the total score of 139.

Sometimes a problem is 'OK', but doesn't have a score. Reason is: the problem is -according to the members of the jury-  too much similar with older published problems. If you're interested, see the list of remarks.

F 1   J.C. Patry (France)

30 (15)   D44  T0   Y30   Z0


439z,394y,33,43,23,44,18,1,27,27,17 + 
z) 449,45(13)404,25(138)38(29)20xwvut (23,22,25) = 
x) 282,32,42(22,23)17(711)12(17,27) = 
w) 23(14,182,36)13(41) = 
v) 32(182,38) = 
u) 43(182, 36)21,1(37,361) = 
t) 44(14)40(182,45,34,34) + 
y) 45(33)23(29,38)22(18)33,34,34(23) =


F 2   E. Skliar (Israel)


471,9,4,23,2(154AB,13)37(41)10z(14)37(19) 39(23)33(11)32(17)27 + 
A) (13)37,28(29)439(33)17,50(10)28(15)33 + 
B) (19)35,37(41)10(14)37(19)39(24)34(11)31 + 
z) 42(47)15(10)4(42) =

SSE: 5-6-36 / D37-43-46 (41)10,37(19)31 or 32 or 39 +


F 3   F. Garlopeau (France)

10 (18)   D36  T0   Y10   Z0


37,20,24,19,27,41,40,3,28,20,24 +


F 4   ... (France)


17,39,30,25,1(22*)7,23,38,6 +

It is out of the F-category requirement : White king is not sacrificed during the combination.


F 5   A. Jovaisas (Lithuania)

25 (16)   D68  T0   Y20   Z5


42,21,2,34,14,35 +


F 6   A. Uvarov (Ukrain)

55 (13)   D71  T0   Y20   Z35


18,37,41,12,3,28,33 +

F 7   D. de Ruiter (Netherlands)

88 (10)   D43  T40   Y45   Z69


12z,3y,41x,37,38,30,10w,19,44,44 + 
z) 10,4,45(13,30,19,43,48) = 
y) 1,45(30) = 
x) 44,44(18) = 
w) 44,44(40,32) =


F 8   S. Klomp (Netherlands)


272(368A)32(37B)43,5(27)41,36(32C)27,6 (29)1(33)40,28 + 
A) (168)21,43,5,32(40a)28 + 
a) (17)38 +
B) (167)5,32(16)43(33,27)440,28 + 
C) (16,24)44 +

SSI: 14(20)17,18,12,43,12+
SSII: 272(368)32(37)39.33,15+

It is out of the F-category requirement: White king is not sacrificed during the combination.


F 9   J. Bus (Netherlands)

63 (12)   D45  T10   Y62   Z18


21,11,22,21,31,383,3,38z,42(8)38,38 + 
z) 42(48)26(8) =


F 10   V. Masiulis (Lithuania)

103 (9)   D44  T70   Y50   Z53



293,41,12,5,29,21,27,27 +


F 11   A. de Jong (Netherlands)

118 (6)   D74   T20   Y70   Z48


240,24,30,383,2,19,14,2-24,5,47 +

F 12   D. Nikolaev (Russia)

163 (2)   D86   T90   Y60   Z77


39,39,14,9,44,171,2,18,40 +


F 13   S. Perepelkin (Russia)

137 (3)   D79   T60   Y63   Z74


29,4(24)38,41,23,3,8,27,27 +

F 14   B. Morkus (Lithuania)

179 (1)   D89   T60   Y90   Z98 


37,37,509,2,7,3,249,26(43A)14(12B)8,32 + 
A) (12)8,14,32 + 
B) (19)21,32 +


F 15   A. Kaciuska (Lithuania)

80 (11)   D52  T20   Y55   Z28


7,28,9,40z,38,3,19y,14,4 + 
z) 38,40(10) = 
y) 13(4)36(5-10)47(13) =


F 16   V. Matus (Russia)

113 (7)   D80   T40   Y52   Z61


31(48)2,37,37,36(7)21(12)17,31 +

F 17   A. Rom (USA)


29,9,42,46,17,45,41,3,23,44,34,34 +
[Justification : 1-5-18-22-23-28-30-31-32-35-36- 
37-41-45 / 9-11-13-14-15-19-20-21-24-25 -26-29-34-39- 40-42-44-48-50 33(309)38(454)27(340) 140(53)8(12)7(34…..]

Problem is not according the rules of category F.


F 18   A. Maslov (Ukrain)

112 (8)   D56   T45   Y59   Z56


13(28x30ABC)34,4,28,4-18,8,3,32,48 + 
A) (830)34,4… + 
B) (810)4,34… + 
C) (28x10)4,34… +

F 19   M. Fedorov (Ukrain)


36,27,43,44,18,5,21,37,36 +


F 20   T. Smedinga (Netherlands)

121 (5)   D61   T60   Y40   Z67


28,31,10,494,37,39,3,26,17,19,44 +

F 21   B. Fedorov (Ukrain)

130 (4)   D58   T55   Y87   Z72


10,44,31(24A)2,30,41,13,24,3(11)7(37)2 (10)26(41)37,24(37)47(14)393(20)29(25)24 + 
A) (44)2,19 +


F 22   L. Vitoshkin (Belarussia)

10 (18)   D45  T0   Y10   Z0


41z,11,2,38(43A)40,48 + 
A) (49)44,34 + 
z) 11(29)2(37 =

F 23   A. Liakhovskij (Belarussia)

10 (18)   D34  T0   Y10   Z0


21,3,9z,4,24,45(20)40,39(25)34 + z)14(34)37(45)40(44) =


F 24   N. Shapoval (Ukrain)

41 (14)   D49  T0   Y15   Z26


30,42,12,3,24,34 +

F 25   V. Malashenko (Belarussia)


493,37,10,5,35,33,43,38 +

SS I : 9,44,41,427,3,3x30x18,49 + 
SS II: 9,44,37,41,3,18,49 + 
SS III: 9,44,3,43,37,49,49 +
SS IV: 41,44,427,9,3,18,49 + 
SS V: 41,44,9,427,3,18,49 + 
SS VI: 9,37,43,3,35,33,43,38 +
There are more 'Second Solutions'.


F 26   I. Ivatsko (Ukrain)

25 (16)   D51  T0   Y25   Z0


31,37,31,41,24(50)2,33,44,39 +

F 27   A. Sapegin (Belarussia)


18,38,44,471,41,3,27,27 +

SSI: 471,18,38,41,3,27+
SSII: 18,38,471,41,3,44+


F 28   B. Ivanov (Russia)


28,44,171,4,9,14,3,7,17,7(11,20)11(24)6 (29)1(33)34(38)48 +

SSE: 6-15 / 7 (11,20) 11 (24) 6 or 7 + More than one dual in endgame.